Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Trudi and I are planning to see The Passion of the Christ tonight. I viewed the film on Ash Wednesday so this is number two for me. First time for Trudi. I wanted to see it again during Holy Week.

Tomorrow the Triduum or Three Great Days begins. One long act of common worship from Thursday until Sunday morning. We will go to the upper room thursday night, to golgotha on Friday, wait on Holy Saturday and to the empty tomb Sunday morning. May we meet God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit afresh this year.

I am becoming a fan of Killians Beer. I actually like darker beers better, but Killians is good and a six pack is only four and 1/2 bucks. Nice beer to have around the house for end of the day relaxation.

Still working on Patrick: Son of Ireland. I like the story as a story (although there is no high art here), but it just is not true to the story of Patrick. When I get done I will give it a full review.


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