Saturday, August 28, 2004

I get migranes. This week I have had a mild case since Tuesday. I think the change in air pressure and increase in pollen/mold in the air triggered it. Today I feel much better. No fun!!

I turned 40 a week ago. I have no thoughtful things to say about doing so. I am not overly attentive to my mortality. I am simply another year older. A new decade is a useful occasion for more goal setting and dreaming. I do want the 40's to be the most fruitful/productive decade of life in all areas of life. I recognize that many things could happen to disrupt that, but one must have plans and dreams anyway.

The baby is less than a month away. I still cannot give the name away. I have told one person the name and one person has guessed the name. My guess is everyone will like it.

Much house work this summer. Ther bathroom has been remodeled. Jon Moore replaced the floor, put tile down, wainscoted (sp?) the lower half of the walls and painted it. He and I put the sink and toilet in and Trudi and have been replacing fixtures. Looks nice if I say so myself.

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